Sunday, February 10, 2013

Innovation- the new found religion of industry-How to install in organization

I know very well that I am hired by my employer for following.

*Not only to take work from others but to work and contribute myself.
*Not to rule the operation/business but to run it profitably.
*Not to take credit of others ideas and contribution but to highlight them at diffrent forums so real contributor is appreciated and rewarded.
*Not to let go away any opportunity of value addition and value protection.
*Not to break but build the team of performers and achievers.
*Not to feel threatened from smarter team members.
*Not to curtail and suppress constructive dissent and opposition.
*Not to overlook any moment share holders and stakeholders interest for organization welfare.

And many more .............needless to mention here as everybody knows.I will call myself to be fortunate to be part of team (multi ethenic and multi national)at AS QUALITEX as it has thriving innovation culture where each and every member is contributing hard to do better and better.Alot of credit goes to As Qualitex Owners too who have always given their unqualified support to team.When I tried to innovate myself with new approch results started flowing.

*Adopting simplicity means decluttering my mind from preconceived notions.
*Recognizing people as most valuable asset with limitless yield.
*Not interferring and respecting others work.
*Evolving from speaker to listener.
*Changing from fault finder to fact finder.
*Connecting and engaging team for best.
*Spotting and grooming talent and continuously strengthening the bench.
*Developing client mind set at work place.

*Staying visible with team in hard and difficult time.
*Choosing the course of macro management from micro management.
*Keeping promises made.
*Trying to be magnet for best people.They know how much they are treasured,valued,counted and rewarded.
Prerequisites of innovative culture at work place are.
*Growth conducive clean and pleasant ambient, free from social pollution ,is must so that employees are excited to attend the work without burden and anxiety.
*Fair renumeration system based on work load and contribution to encourage healthy competetion.
*Encouragement for knowledge and skill development.
*Selection of project leaders from totally comitted,selfless,self motivated employess.
*Conducting constructive meetings where problems and mistakes are treated like jobs and challenges.
*Matching tasks with skill sets.
*providing necesary resources and authority for every project.
*Encouraging team to stretch out of comfort zone.
*Accepting every job done good or bad in good spirit.

Every body knows it just tried to remind.last but not least It is must to remember here that work is fun and if one finds time for true relaxation ones mind starts capturing new ideas at lightening speed.